Homeowners who are based in locations with recurring hot and cold climates are in search of a solution to make their homes more comfortable and energy efficient.

On average the options are wearing warmer clothes when it gets colder, or keeping the windows open during times of high humidity. However, the smartest and most cost-effective solution is undoubtedly attic insulation installation .
A properly insulated attic is an investment that can help homeowners save a fortune on their energy bills while also increasing their home value by a substantial amount. This way, not only do they get to enjoy a comfortable and relaxing home throughout the seasons but also accrue the value of their with time.
Nevertheless, even though it may seem like a fruitful choice to make - the cost of insulating a home might be enough to startle homeowners. This blog seeks to put such dilemmas to rest.
How Does Attic Insulation Work ?
In any home, the air flows naturally from the warm areas to the colder ones. This means that the heat will flow from warm rooms like the living room to spaces with cold temperatures, like the attic. This process is reversed during summer when the outside hot air flows to fill the colder spaces of the house.
Insulating the attic of a home helps prevent this natural gain or loss of heat thus keeping the room temperature stable and comfortable throughout the year, minimizing the wastage of energy. The primary objective here is limiting the flow of air thus preventing the transfer of heat.
Why is Insulating the Attic Important ?
Most homes on average lose about 50% of their energy to heating and cooling needs. This indicates that almost half the energy being consumed by a home is due to losing heat in the winter and cooling the home during the summer.
Proper attic insulation help save a home almost 15% on their heating costs and 11% on their energy consumption. This proves that attic insulation is an effective means of increasing a home's energy efficiency and also saving money in the process.
Besides that, not having one's home insulated has drawbacks of its own which can be avoided for instance the following :
[A] Uneven Insulation :
When the residents of a home start observing that some rooms are hotter or colder than others, it is probably due to uneven insulation in the attic. This enables the heat to escape during winter or enter in the summer.
[B] Blocked Ventilation :
A poorly insulated attic can result in blocking the airflow, preventing the heat from escaping in winter. As a consequence of this ice dams can form on the roof causing leaks on the roof and water damage.
[C] Structural Damage :
If heat is escaping from the attic during the winter, it can cause the wood to start warping and cracking. If this goes on for long without repairs then it can lead to structural damage.
Why is Insulating the Attic Important ?
Most homes on average lose about 50% of their energy to heating and cooling needs. This indicates that almost half the energy being consumed by a home is due to losing heat in the winter and cooling the home during the summer. Proper attic insulation help save a home almost 15% on their heating costs and 11% on their energy consumption. This proves that attic insulation is an effective means of increasing a home's energy efficiency and also saving money in the process.
Besides that, not having one's home insulated has drawbacks of its own which can be avoided for instance the following ;
[A] Uneven Insulation : When the residents of a home start observing that some rooms are hotter or colder than others, it is probably due to uneven insulation in the attic. This enables the heat to escape during winter or enter in the summer.
[B] Blocked Ventilation : A poorly insulated attic can result in blocking the airflow, preventing the heat from escaping in winter. As a consequence of this ice dams can form on the roof causing leaks on the roof and water damage.
[C] Structural Damage : If heat is escaping from the attic during the winter, it can cause the wood to start warping and cracking. If this goes on for long without repairs then it can lead to structural damage.
Benefits of Attic Insulation :-
The attic is much more than just some extra storage space. It helps tackle a variety of problems in a home acting as a protective barrier against the cold, heat and humidity. Thus, the ideal solution to making one's home comfortable and energy efficient is a well-insulated home.
Let's have a look through the various benefits it provides :-
[1] Reduction in Energy Consumption :
Energy costs are on the rise and not slowing down anytime soon. As already mentioned earlier, more than half of the energy bill is comprised of heating and cooling requirements. Insulating one's home is estimated to reduce the heating and cooling expenses of a home by at least 15%. This also adds to the savings of the household over the years, especially in homes located in climates with extreme temperatures.
[2] Reinforced Home Structure :
The lack of insulation causes the heat to escape from the attic during winter. This leads to the wood in the attic warping and cracking, which further results in structural damage over time. This severe safety hazard which can be quite expensive to repair can be avoided by properly insulating the attic. This would ensure the wood remains protected all year round.
[3] Better Air Quality :
When the attic in a home is under-insulated, it often causes a blockage in the ventilation. This leads to a build-up of moisture in the attic and this high humidity serves as the ideal breeding ground for mould and mildew.
When such contaminants start entering the home through the attic, they start causing headaches, allergies and respiratory diseases. Properly insulating the attic allows the air to flow freely while preventing the humidity from increasing.
[4] Enhanced Comfort :
A home with an improperly insulated attic is sure to have inconsistent temperatures in its various rooms. They are either too cold or too hot. This is because of the escaping or accumulation of heat occurring through the attic.
Having the attic insulated guarantees a more comfortable home that remains consistent throughout the year. The residents will even be able to lower their thermostats as the temperature is already well-regulated.
[5] Decreased HVAC Wear and Tear :
The HVAC system in any home is bound to go through an accelerated rate of wear and tear due to the lack of quality insulation. This inadvertently leads to higher energy bills and more expensive maintenance down the road. A properly insulated attic takes a lot of pressure off the HVAC system, allowing it to last longer and function efficiently.
[6] Attic Insulation Types :
Homeowners who intend on installing attic insulation need to be aware of the different types of attics there are. This would enable them to choose the format which is most appropriate for their home.
There are three types of attic insulation types :-
(I) Blow-in Insulation :
This type of insulation involves the use of small pieces of fibre which is blown into the attic using a special machine. These materials are usually comprised of fiberglass, rock wool or cellulose. These enable the attic to stay cool during summer and warm when it's winter.
(II) Batts Insulation :
Otherwise known as blanket insulation. This type of insulation comes in the form of long strips of varying widths that are installed between the joists in the attic. It prevents the transference of heat through the walls.
(III) Spray Foam Insulation :
This is perhaps the most popular insulation technique preferred by homeowners. It is a mixture of chemicals with expanding properties. It is sprayed into the attic or in its walls where it instantly solidifies.
(IV) When to Upgrade Attic Insulation :
In some cases, the insulation in a home diminishes after 10 years. This means that even if one added fibreglass or spray foam insulation in their attic, it would likely require re-installation after a decade.
The following signs indicate that an attic requires new insulation :
(1) An increase in the amount of dust circulating within the home.
(2) Homeowners begin to notice uneven temperatures throughout the home which used to feel even before.
(3) Occurrence of cold drafts during winter.
(4) Rooms start feeling stuffy during summer.
(5) The upper floor feels extremely humid during summer.
(6) Strange noises start emitting from the attic or walls (presence of pests or rodents).
(7) There is a noticeable deterioration in the attic insulation (moisture, crumbling pieces and discoloration) .

Conclusion :-
The attic is a home's first line of defense against awful weather and uneven temperatures. All the factors mentioned in this blog such as type of insulation, location, state of weather and budget, all go into determining attic insulation costs. Contacting a good roofing contractor can also help in preparing a flexible budget .